Getting Ready for Summer Party!

Days are getting very long, time to organise a summer party. At the regular cheese and wine event at Love Wine in Woodstock, this time Culture & Culture presented some sensational ways to turn cheese into party food. The key point is “flavour pairing” and that’s all you need to know. Generally speaking, fresh goat cheese and anise flavour nicely harmonise. Likewise, blue cheese, dates and nuts is a lovely combination. If the cheese you have in your fridge is a bit plain in flavour and somehow not good enough to put on a cheese board, just manipulate them to give the cheese a more complex flavour. Very simple and easy, surprisingly, you would end up making the most use of the dry food in your cupboard or herbs in your garden! On Friday evening at Love Wine, 24 local people got together and had a really good time,  gaining some tips to make cheese-based party food and experienced how the same cheese could be nicely paired with different types of wine. Cheese is so versatile that it gives us endless joy.

Talk Photo

Cheese & Wine talk with Richard from Love Wine
