The festive season is over and it still feels a long way to go for bright spring sunshine…… We all need something enjoyable to get through the tail end of this dark season! Culture & Culture recently held a Cheese Class and British Artisan Cheese & Wine Tasting for Valentine’s day at a charming local wine shop in Woodstock, Love Wine . At the Cheese Class, Japanese people gathered to gain some basic knowledge about cheese where they learnt about seven different categories of cheese and how each cheese affects the taste of one type of wine, Massif Central Pinot Noir. We deliberately encouraged them to experience and discover the theory of wine & cheese pairing on their own. It was eye-opening for attendees to learn about the seven core categories and how versatile cheese can be! On Valentine’s Day, we had a similar session but more fun and casual atmosphere for local people. We introduced four different types of quality British Artisan Cheese to pair with a range of beautiful wines selected by Richard at Love Wine. Again, all participants seemed really happy to discover such wonderful locally-produced British Artisan Cheese and to see how subjective wine and cheese pairings can be. The main thing was sixteen local people got together and simply enjoyed the abundance of quality wine and cheese to start their romantic Valentine’s Day! The event was so well received that Love Wine and Culture & Culture are now planning more events in spring. We shall let you know details in due course.
まだまだ、寒い日が続く2月半ば。ワインショップでのチーズイベント2本。まずは現地日本人のための「チーズ講座基礎Ⅰ」。同講座は現在、ロンドンでも開講中ですがウッドストックでは少人数でアットホームな雰囲気。ワインショップでの講座ということで、やはりワインも一緒に♪ タイプの異なるチーズ7種をテイスティングしつつ、チーズに関する知識を得るだけでなく、各チーズがワインの味わいに与える影響を和やかな雰囲気の中で体感していただきました。 バレンタインデーの日は、地元のイギリス人を対象にワインショップがセレクトするワインとCulture & Cultureがセレクトする英国産アルチザンチーズ四種をたっぷり楽しむプロモーションイベント。土曜日のバレンタインデー。とてもカジュアルなイベントでカップルでの参加多数!和気あいあいとしたとても楽しいイベントでした♪ このワイン&チーズテイスティング、イベントは全て英語ですが、今後も趣向を凝らしながら定期的に開催する予定です。英語に自信がなくても、こっそりと日本語対応可能です。ご興味がある方はお気軽にお問い合わせくださいね。